
Barrier Success – Successful Collaboration in the field

A great piece of teamwork in the industry! Together, the collaboration Koole Controls, Recranet and ST&D has delivered great projects at Ons Buiten and De Heldense Bossen , further automating barrier access control at the parks. This collaboration brings together the best skills and expertise, with the common ultimate goal of increasing guest convenience while reducing operational costs for the organisation. 


Having each team excel in their specific domain not only saves costs but also maximises efficiency and ensures unparalleled quality. Each party takes its expertise to the next level:


  • First of all, our shared customers! Ons Buiten and De Heldense Bossen are wonderful locations to stay where the needs of the guest form the centre of the strong organisation. Through this innovation, the guest experiences even more comfort and thus gets even more out of their stay!
  • Recranet, the ever-reliable supplier of the reservation system to both parties. Recranet boosted the solution by building an exclusive barrier dashboard into their software! This ensures that end users only need to look in one system, instead of separate barrier software. A great integration!
  • ST&D, THE partner for access control, security and traffic control with 25 years of experience! With this experience and expertise, it is no surprise, but all the more noteworthy, that the workmanship in terms of installation went splendidly!
  • Koole Controls, the innovative supplier of access control software! By using different parameters in the software, the system offers high flexibility for the organisation to automate its access procedures.


This joint effort is a great example of a successful partnership in the sector.


Cooperation in the field

Ons Buiten is a beautifully located holiday park in Oostkapelle, Zeeland, where guests can find ultimate peace and quiet in one of the varied accommodations with the necessary facilities contributing to this peace and quiet! De Heldense Bossen , on its turn, is a wonderful family campsite where both parents and children can have a great time. In the green village of Helden in Limburg, the varied accommodation and numerous facilities here also benefit the ultimate family holiday feeling. Both innovative organisations like to offer a guest-friendly and modern way of entering the park.


Through the integration, we are relieved of the burden and offer the guest the service to register their license plate using a PIN code and gain access to their accommodation. Automation does its job, which is especially convenient for late arrivals and during the low season when the reception is closed."

Gabriel Coppoolse , Owner of OnsBuiten


“De complete oplossing die de combinatie van Recranet, Koole en ST&D boden heeft ons duidelijk over de streep getrokken. De mogelijkheden die er nu al zijn, in combinatie van andere oplossingen voor ons park op de langere termijn, heeft ons doen besluiten om voor deze oplossing te kiezen. Het systeem is nu net operationeel opgeleverd en tot heden zijn wij erg blij. Blij met hoe het werkt, maar ook blij hoe er wordt meegedacht, door alle bedrijven en ook hoe er wordt samengewerkt tussen alle bedrijven.”

Marcel Timmermans, Director of De Heldense Bossen


"The collaboration between all parties is a wonderful example of what can emerge when each company contributes its expertise to our beloved recreation industry

De organisaties van beide klanten waarbij de gast centraal staat, is zoals het hoort te zijn in onze wereld. Het vakmanschap van ST&D is uitmuntend en daardoor erg prettig samenwerken! Last but not least, weet Recranet iedere keer weer dat extra stapje te zetten voor hun eindgebruikers door ook nu een exclusief dashboard te bouwen wat communiceert met onze slagboom software. Dit zijn de features die een reserveringssysteem uniek en extreem gebruiksvriendelijk maken, chapeau!”

Niels van der Vliet, Operational Directeur at Koole Controls


As a software provider, input from our customers is of great value to us! We aim
for an open relationship focused on mutual growth with our clients. This was
also the case with Ons Buiten and De Heldense Bossen, where we discussed a more efficient
solution for their park access management. By brainstorming together and
and literally going into the field with our partners ST&D and Koole Controls, we quickly arrived at a constructive solution for our shared customers. It’s fantastic to combine expertise with constructive partners and innovative clients!"

Sharon de Putter, Operationeel Director at Recranet


"A perfect collaboration with experienced professionals, this always leads to the best end result!"

Ben Siebes, Eigenaar van ST&D